世界文化遺產-希臘【伯羅奔尼撒】Archaeological Epidaurus
Inclusion on the World Heritage List: 1988. 座落在伯羅奔尼撒半島的一個小山谷裡,艾庇道羅斯 (Epidaurus )考古遺址堆疊了數個文化層。西元前六世紀,阿斯克勒庇俄斯
(Asclepius)醫藥神的祭典儀式於此地首次舉行。但是最主要的文化紀念物,特別是被認為最典型的希臘建築傑作的劇場卻是到了西元四世紀時才興建的。這個佔地廣大的考古遺址曾是希臘和羅馬時代舉行治療儀式的聖地,包含了獻給主管醫療天神們的寺廟和醫院建築。The ancient settlements at Epidaurus boast one of the architectural and acoustics marvels of the World: the famous Theatre of Epidaurus, built in the 4th century BCE. Apart from the theatre you can also visit the famous 'tholos' and the temple dedicated to Asclepius as well as other Classical Greek,
Hellenistic and Roman ruins including: the Roman Odeon, Roman baths, a villa and many more!
Museum of Epidaurus; Sanctuary of Asklepios at Epidaurus .
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