星期二, 9月 13, 2005

世界文化遺產-德國【巴伐利亞省】Pilgrimage Church of Wies

In the Wies Church(1745-54) rococo art reached a unique perfection. This masterpiece, created by the brothers Dominikus and Johann Baptist Zimmermann of Wessobrunn, was given international recognition a few years ago, when it was inscribed by UNESCO, the culture organization of the U.N., as a cultural site on the World Heritage List. In spite of the lightness and grace typical of rococo style, the Wies Church has in fact a deep meditative quality coming from the important theological themes which are treated there. Spiritual center of the church is the Scourged Saviour, Jesus Christ, God's Son, who, giving his life for all humankind, offers himself as a sacrifice to God the Father. Out of this sacrifice is born redemption, blessing and the glory of heaven. This theology is summed up in the prayer which comes after the Consecration of bread and wine in the Mass, in which the center of our Christian belief is expressed: "We announce your death, o Lord, we praise your Ressurection until you come in glory". One sees this theology in the figure of the Scourged Saviour (the Lamb of God), and in the main ceiling fresco (the resurrected Christ, who will come again, sitting on the rainbow; the judgement throne; and the door to Eternal Life.Come and praise Him, in this sacred place come seek Him out in the Wies . Open - hearted, thank Him for His grace, for He offers us His Peace. Oh, my Jesus, fairest Jesus, fairest Jesus, in the Wies who so full of blessings is.
The Wies SongFrom: v. Dietfurt, Fränkische Volkslieder



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