世界文化遺產-梵諦岡Holy See & St. Peter Basilica
梵蒂岡的國土面積雖然只有中正紀念堂的兩倍大,卻是全球八億天主教徒的信仰中心,影響力之大絕不遜於世界大國。 行使國家主權也與其他國家相同,包括國旗、國歌、元首、外交、行政組織等一應俱全,教宗為梵蒂岡的元首,享有最高行政、立法、司法權。在梵蒂岡處處都是歷史與珍貴古跡遺產,
自古以來就有許多帝王、貴族捐獻藝術珍品予梵蒂岡,使得梵蒂岡成為無與倫比的寶庫,而聖彼得大教堂建築本身更是世界的藝術遺產。這座全世界最大的教堂也是梵蒂岡的象徵,5座紫銅大門最右邊的一座為「聖門」,只有每隔25年一次的「大赦年」才由教宗開啟。 Founded, according to legend, by Romulus and Remus in 753 B.C., Rome was first the centre of the Roman Republic, then of the Roman Empire, and it became the capital of the Christian world in the 4th century. The World Heritage site, extended in 1990 to the walls of Urban VIII, includes some of the major monuments of antiquity such as the Forums, the Mausoleum of Augustus, the Mausoleum of Hadrian, the Pantheon, Trajan's Column and the Column of Marcus Aurelius, as well as the religious and public buildings of papal Rome. Vatican museum
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