星期二, 9月 13, 2005


推薦景點:1.雷達門RODER-TOR 2.馬克斯雷達 3.馬克廣場MARKPLATZ=此廣場也是本城最重要的廣城.市政廳及議會宴會廳即在此處.晚上的鬼故事夜遊活動即在此為出發點.前往各美麗城門也是以此為據點. 4.市政廳RATHAUS=其一為16世紀興建的文藝復興式風格建築,另一側則為哥德式建築樣式 5.市議會宴會廳RATSTRINKSTUBE=擁有一座15世紀鐘樓的建築(鐘樓並不明顯)每天11,12,13,14,15,21,22時會有一段玩偶自3樓窗戶出現,表演一段老市長一飲救城的故事,詳細內容請聽領隊介紹.6.聖雅各教堂ST.-JACOBS-KIRCHE=位於市議會宴會廳後方的哥德式建築,建於14-15世紀,裡面以聖血禮拜堂的雕刻及理曼史耐德所作的"最後的晚餐"7.中世紀刑具博物館 8.柏格花園及柏格門BURGTOR(內容為華友通運旅行社 所提供)

世界文化遺產-德國【巴伐利亞省】Pilgrimage Church of Wies

In the Wies Church(1745-54) rococo art reached a unique perfection. This masterpiece, created by the brothers Dominikus and Johann Baptist Zimmermann of Wessobrunn, was given international recognition a few years ago, when it was inscribed by UNESCO, the culture organization of the U.N., as a cultural site on the World Heritage List. In spite of the lightness and grace typical of rococo style, the Wies Church has in fact a deep meditative quality coming from the important theological themes which are treated there. Spiritual center of the church is the Scourged Saviour, Jesus Christ, God's Son, who, giving his life for all humankind, offers himself as a sacrifice to God the Father. Out of this sacrifice is born redemption, blessing and the glory of heaven. This theology is summed up in the prayer which comes after the Consecration of bread and wine in the Mass, in which the center of our Christian belief is expressed: "We announce your death, o Lord, we praise your Ressurection until you come in glory". One sees this theology in the figure of the Scourged Saviour (the Lamb of God), and in the main ceiling fresco (the resurrected Christ, who will come again, sitting on the rainbow; the judgement throne; and the door to Eternal Life.Come and praise Him, in this sacred place come seek Him out in the Wies . Open - hearted, thank Him for His grace, for He offers us His Peace. Oh, my Jesus, fairest Jesus, fairest Jesus, in the Wies who so full of blessings is.
The Wies SongFrom: v. Dietfurt, Fränkische Volkslieder

星期一, 9月 12, 2005

世界文化遺產-希臘【雅典】衛城 Acropolis


雅典衛城平面圖. 1. 勝利神廟Temple of Athena Nike , 2. 山門Propylaea, 3. 雅典娜立像Statue of Athena, 4. 帕提農神廟The Parthenon, 5.伊瑞克提翁廟The Erechtheion, 6. 雅典娜廟舊址。

星期日, 9月 11, 2005

世界文化遺產-希臘【伯羅奔尼撒】古Mycenae 和 Tiryns

位於希臘西方的伯羅奔尼撒半島,面積約2萬1000平方公里,藉著柯林斯地峽與其他大陸地區相連。半島的歷史悠久,約在西元前2000年,半島上的邁錫尼(Mycenae)、梯林斯(Tiryns)以及皮洛斯(Pylos)等地是邁錫尼文化的重鎮;西元前5世紀至2世紀,甚至與雅典旗鼓相當的斯巴達城邦互爭上下;之後,伯羅奔尼撒半島先後被拜占庭帝國、法蘭克人和土耳其人統治,多元的文明都曾在這裡留下足跡。 位於伯羅奔尼撒半島東方的邁錫尼古城Mycenae),被認為是《荷馬史詩-木馬屠城記》中率兵攻打特洛依城(Troy)的阿格曼農國王(Agamemnon)的家鄉。約西元前1400年至1200年,邁錫尼文明達到黃金時期,邁錫尼古城位於一片多風的山丘上,最著名的地標是衛城入口的獅子門(Lion Gate),一進獅子門,右邊的圓形陵墓,是阿格曼農重達14公斤的黃金面具(現藏在雅典考古博物館)出土之處。從挖掘出豐富的文物中,可見證《荷馬史詩》裡那個強盛富足、在希臘最具影響力的城邦。儘管今日已是一片廢墟,曾經輝煌一世的邁錫尼古城目前被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產。

星期六, 9月 10, 2005

世界文化遺產-希臘【伯羅奔尼撒】Archaeological Epidaurus

Inclusion on the World Heritage List: 1988. 座落在伯羅奔尼撒半島的一個小山谷裡,艾庇道羅斯 (Epidaurus )考古遺址堆疊了數個文化層。西元前六世紀,阿斯克勒庇俄斯 (Asclepius)醫藥神的祭典儀式於此地首次舉行。但是最主要的文化紀念物,特別是被認為最典型的希臘建築傑作的劇場卻是到了西元四世紀時才興建的。這個佔地廣大的考古遺址曾是希臘和羅馬時代舉行治療儀式的聖地,包含了獻給主管醫療天神們的寺廟和醫院建築。The ancient settlements at Epidaurus boast one of the architectural and acoustics marvels of the World: the famous Theatre of Epidaurus, built in the 4th century BCE. Apart from the theatre you can also visit the famous 'tholos' and the temple dedicated to Asclepius as well as other Classical Greek, Hellenistic and Roman ruins including: the Roman Odeon, Roman baths, a villa and many more!
Museum of Epidaurus; Sanctuary of Asklepios at Epidaurus .

星期三, 9月 07, 2005


白川鄉位於日本中部的岐阜縣白山山麓,四面環山、水田縱橫、河川流經的安靜山村。其獨特之處是仍然保留日本傳統鄉村的建築 ─「合掌造」,全村百多幢以茅草建成的房屋,全人手興建不需一根釘,三角型的屋頂成為遊客夢昧以求一睹其貌。這小小的村莊只有數百人居住,但每年世界各地數以萬計的旅客前來此地。
夏天的綠油水田縱橫交錯,秋天的紅葉互相輝影,冬天的雪地山丘連成一線,除了安靜的白村鄉帶來了不少遊客,亦是當地主要收入來源。這細小的山莊,基本上半天也可以遊畢,但建議不防在合掌民宿一宿,一方面可以體驗日本傳統生活,圍著火爐邊弄晚餐,別有一番風味;另一方面當地有不少生活體驗的課程,製造手打嵩麥麵,和染色機織傳統工藝,遊人可親自體驗一下。除此以外,還有「合掌造民家園」博物館,荻町城瞭望台則是俯瞰村落風光的絕好場所。 每年冬季,白川鄉會夜放光明,為合掌村增添不少色彩,在這冷皓的冬季帶來不少溫暖。可惜冬季往白川鄉亦並非容易,經常會遇著大風雪而封路,所以出發前務必查詢清楚。「合掌屋」是指屋頂如人的兩手合掌時,成60度的三角房屋。在40年代德國建築學者就說白川合掌屋是最合理、最理性、最天人合一的建築。聯合國教科文組織於1996年12月9日定日本岐阜縣的白村鄉為世界文化遺產。

星期二, 9月 06, 2005

世界文化遺產-紐西蘭【北島】Tongariro National Park

Tongariro is New Zealand's oldest national park and a dual World Heritage area. This status recognises the park's important Maori cultural and spiritual associations as well as its outstanding volcanic features. It is a place of extremes and surprises, a place to explore and remember. From herb fields to forests, from tranquil lakes to desert-like plateau and active volcanoes - Tongariro has them all. This was the first national park to be established in New Zealand and the fourth in the world.The three andesitic volcanoes at the heart of the park - the mountains Tongariro, Ngauruhoe and Ruapehu form the southern limits of the Taupo Volcanic Zone. Volcanic activity in the zone started about 2 million years ago and is on-going today. Ruapehu and Ngauruhoe are two of the most active composite volcanoes in the world. In 1995 and again in 1996 Ruapehu has erupted in spectacular fashion sending clouds of ash and steam skyward and mantling the surrounding snow fields and forest with a thick film of ash.Tongariro is home to many amazing native creatures including New Zealand's only native mammals, the short and long tailed bats. Birds you might see during daylight include North Island robins, fantails, parakeets and even a kereru (native pigeon) or two. Smaller, but no less interesting are the numerous insects that live in the park.

How to get there?

Related Links:
Mt Ruapehu Crater Lake Lahar Threat Response
Great Walks

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